Sunday 21 August 2011

Most Common STD

It's no secret that everyone wants to live a full life, be healthy and beautiful, always look young.
But it happens when people are constantly watching their health, lead a healthy lifestyle, but as soon as he breaks down, then immediately there are problems that poison life, and sometimes can lead to irreversible processes, and interfere with life, not only myself, but and your loved ones.
One such reason may be illegible sex, ending with the disease, sometimes severe.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases, mainly on hand during sexual contact from an infected person to non-infected, it may be vaginal, oral, anal contact. But it may be from close contact of mother to child, such as nursing.
Risk increases if the person has a hectic life, to drink alcohol and being drunk does not control his actions, which leads to disease.
Statistics show that it grows and spreads faster than ever - ever. Especially cases began to increase sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents who were not only alcohol but also drugs. Usage of syringe increases the risk of disease, which may leads to the disease. There are many types of diseases, many of them are treated and leave the consequences if a person during appealed for help in a medical institution, but in advanced forms, which went into newsreel, help is very difficult and sometimes impossible.
It is terrible that many women will not been ill but never have kids.
There are three main types of sexually transmitted diseases is bacterial, viral or caused by parasites. Viral diseases are incurable, almost all the symptoms of viral disease can be suppressed, and the patient infected with a virus, is a carrier of disease and extends to the end of his days.
But the diseases that are caused by bacteria and parasites can be cured. The bad news is that people do not get immune, and they can get immediately the disease after just recovered. Some people have a disease for life, and knows that he is ill because symptoms do not manifest themselves.

Most Common STD

1) Genital Herpes

One of the most common STD is Genital Herpes, and it is called herpes simplex virus type HSV-1 and HSV-2. Herpes manifests as painful blisters on the genitals and other areas.
Symptoms of herpes, it is a pain and itching in the affected areas, temperature, pain in the legs, genitals and buttocks, but may also increase the tonsils, as the flu. Herpes can be returned in the form of lesions on the mucous membrane of genitals and lips, and spread from person to person, even without apparent inflammation. Diagnose herpes only when there are blisters or sores. Herpes cure is not possible, but may suppress the symptoms.

2) Genital warts

One of the common disease is Genital warts.
Usually, warts are caused by human papilloma virus, and there are about 25 kinds of viruses that infect the genitals and in the form of genital warts.
Papillomas may be red, pink or flesh colored, they are flat or convex, usually arranged in groups or individually. Person feels itching in or around the vagina, anus or penis. Papillomas may be in the throat or elsewhere, but in any case can be treated only by doctors.
You can become infected through sexual intercourse, but it is almost impossible to cure, remove surgically.

3) Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea can also be through sexual intercourse and is the causative agent of gonococcus.
Very often the symptoms of the disease are asymptomatic, but symptoms may appear after 3-8 days of sexual contact with the patient.
Gonorrhea manifests whitish or yellow discharge from the vagina and from the penis and may be out of the anus, in addition, when you urinate or stool, pain, Itching may occur in the anus, and throat will sore throat.
Women sometimes fever with unusual bleeding and fighting in the stomach.
Gonorrhoea in adults is infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and persistent pain in the pelvic area. Especially dangerous consequences can be infection in newborns, which can result in meningitis or blindness.
Running, untreated gonorrhea can infect the heart valves, joints and brain.
Gonorrhea detected by laboratory tests and treated with antibiotics.


One of the deadliest diseases received through contact with the patient is AIDS, are infected by contact with the vagina, semen, blood, i.e. during sexual intercourse, childbirth, sharing needles or using the same needle for introduction into the human body. But AIDS is not transmitted through food, swimming pool, a hug, a toilet, shaking hands, sneezing, saliva, kissing, mosquito bites, scratches.
AIDS is acquired immune deficiency and manifests itself as it features a simple respiratory illness with fever, weakness, loss of appetite, and in some cases, enlarged lymph vessels. Then all the symptoms disappear, and the disease does not bother sometimes for years. But at the same immune system weakens and is still a person dies, then from any complications, tuberculosis, pneumonia, cirrhosis of the liver.
Many scientists do not recognize AIDS and believe that it does not exist. The first argument is that AIDS, being an infectious disease, does not give immunity, and not isolated until now microorganism is the causative agent of this disease. The autopsy of patients who died, allegedly of AIDS, there is no conclusion, which would indicate the disease is the disease, but always people die from attendant, tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis and inflammation of the lungs. Therefore, we conclude that the patient is not infected with the AIDS virus and the immune system simply suffers from alcohol, drugs, malnutrition, and at the same job of being phased out. AIDS is the same as avian, swine, etc. influenza, which have profited and are profiting pharmaceutical companies.

5) Syphilis

Syphilis is a very serious disease caused by a pale treponema. The disease is transmitted through sexual intercourse, as well as everyday way, in contact with household items, kissing and contact with the sores patient.
Syphilis is a primary and a secondary incubation period lasts from 10 primary to 80 days after contact with the patient, with solid red appear painless sores in those areas where bacteria affects. Then the sores disappear in 3-5 weeks, but the spirochete in the body remains.
After that comes secondary syphilis, and at the same time a rash appears on the body and a brown bump on soles of feet or palms of the hands. They look like small pimples, rashes or woodlice like scales on the body. They can also appear in the mouth as white patches, and in the groin area in the form of warts. At the same time there is pain in the throat, tonsils grow, torture severe headaches, loss of weight. All these symptoms may go for 3-6 weeks, but syphilis in the blood is stored.
After this, the hidden, latent period, which begins after the disappearance of secondary symptoms, and this period lasts for very long without visible symptoms, but bacteria are destroying the internal organs, including nervous system, brain, heart, eyes, liver, joints, bones and periosteum. Currently, syphilis is easily detected and successfully treated with antibiotics.

6) Pubic lice

Pubic lice, also appears in sexual contact with a carrier. This tiny insect, which can be pubic men and women and they are called Phthirus pubis.
Infection occurs through direct contact with the patient, usually through sexual intercourse, very rarely do you get through everyday items, through household items, towels, sheets and other items.
When there are pubic lice, a person begins to feel an itch in the groin and pubic parts, sometimes pimples and visible nits on the pubic hair.
Get rid of the lice by using ointments, dichlorvos. Then you should disinfect clothing, furniture, chairs, etc. If not treated, it can begin even eczema and other skin rashes.
This is the most common disease, sexually transmitted and should be avoided by using condoms and be more selective in choosing a partner.

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