Monday 14 March 2011

Darkspore - The Review

Same Universe, Different genre: A Review Of The Game "Darkspore" - Continue to create high-profile games - a thankless task. Fans of the original jealously watching any of deviation from the canon and generally want to get "the same thing, only with super-graphics, new players grumble:" it was already "and" give us fresh ideas. " Even harder not to do a sequel, but a completely different game in the same universe. See what happens with the creators of Darkspore ...

As is known, his company Electronic Arts does not miss, and all of their games, which brought the slightest income immediately ported to all possible platforms, including mobile phones. The examples are not far to seek: there are various sports series, and tiles made based on the popular films / cartoons, and much more. The company Maxis, best known for games such as SimCity, Sims and Spore, not to be left behind - all of these games through the efforts of marketers EA have been released on almost all existing platforms.

Who does not remember, Spore - epic game where the player had to start its development from a tiny bacteria that pass through all stages of evolution to a huge monster, but in the end - to create a great civilization, to build their own spacecraft and fly into space, learning space and getting to know him inhabitants. However, the most interesting in the game was not it - a player in the process of evolution could create their own monster, whose appearance is entirely dependent on the fantasy gamer.

The official site has helpfully suggests that at the moment fans have created more than 160 million monsters with different looks, all of which are available for download. And let all that is not related to the creation of monsters, Spore does not become so much of the original, the game has found an echo in the hearts of gamers. It was launched three additions, among which "fire" add-on "laboratory exists Spore", extending the already large arsenal to create the creatures.

Naturally, such a successful game could not be left without a sequel. But the developers decided not to go the beaten track, but to create something new. So there was Darkspore.
Let the battle begin

Darkspore - not a continuation of the first part, or even another game in the same genre. If the original simulator, Spore was God, became a follower of Action-RPG with a fair share of hack-n-slash in the tradition of Diablo and Titan Quest. The project looks quite fresh - a sharp change of policy clearly has gone in his favor.

Complication of the plot unpretentious: a highly race Kriogenitov billions of years of travel through the universe, exploring new planets and new life forms nucleation. At some period, everything went out of control - created Kriogenitami race Darkspore gained independence and set itself the goal to capture all the planets to which they are only able to reach. Here, our hero enters the game and simply must show the upstarts-mutants, where what.
Large humanoid robots

But enough of the plot (you'd think in these games, he who is interested), go to the gameplay. Now two game modes, not counting poigrulek Editor - This, of course, the single and multiplayer. The single gives you with the six planets on which you are free to arrange a trash-waste, followed by pumping and collecting useful swag used to upgrade armor. There is a party of three fighters, selected according to aesthetic considerations player. Class three, before yawning friends - sentinel, ravager and tempest. Roughly speaking, the warrior, mage and arrows. Each fighter has their own unique skills, but in most cases, all tactics are reduced to banal "warrior beats, shoots thief, mage heals." On the other hand, no one invents a bicycle that can scare off some of the players who are not ready for hours to build ingenious schemes and tactics for defeating the next boss.

As already mentioned, the game will be six planets with their jobs, which, naturally, have to perform. Get ready to kill the first day of the game to pump - without a certain level to PvP, for example, you corny is not empty. This is done so that users had to deal with the basic chip game. Well, to cut off the most impatient. Dorval to the longed-for multiplayer will be pleasantly surprised.

Long before the game, the developers trumpeted around the world, that the project will focus primarily on the online component. Here you are, and cooperative and PvP - in short, the most popular game modes.

Maximum number of players in multiplayer - four. By simple mathematical manipulation becomes clear that one card will be able to attend up to twelve controlled characters. Co-op mode does not bring any surprises - the single-coil pass card vmnogerom and honestly share the loot looted. With all the PvP more interesting. On relatively small maps, arenas everywhere apart deadly traps - the pillars of fire, mines and much more. What's that, and it certainly should bring to the game a significant share of originality - yet not every day you have to fight with live opponents, simultaneously avoiding the pitfalls that arise out of nowhere.

Unsophisticated audience may seem that the game is very looks like Heroes of Newerth or DotA. I hasten to immediately cut off all the innuendo - the similarity is very, very imaginary and disappears after a half-hour game. Now, actually, about personal experiences.

Firstly, what is happening on the screen is changing very rapidly as the number of parasites settle in the cooperative is incalculable. Secondly, the energy! Energy and hardcore. It is very difficult to beat the living enemy and follow the three wards. Especially necessary to protect "the magician" as to stay on the battlefield without treatment - the more fun, I tell you. In addition, the death of one of the squad members will deprive you of use of one type of special-attacks. As a result, the adrenaline rolls over, the battles are in a very dynamic mode - only manage to dismiss an ax to settle on all sides of creatures. And third, the most important: the levels are very short, each passing minute for 10-15. In my opinion, it is optimal for this kind of games - no time to get bored, and just pump up adrenaline in stagnant blood and razdraznivaet brain.
This, apparently, a well-pumped

Finally, the technical side of the issue. To the naked eye can see that the game uses multiple customizable engine predecessor. Been screwed the most recent chips such as support for fresh DirectX, fixed a lot of bugs and optimized the network portion. Afraid of "sagging» FPS is not worth - the game is very flexible adapts player. The only criticism is level design, which embodies the two basic problems of game design. Make no mistake - some of the levels looks gray desert, filmed in black and white film, and the other is different so bright and acidic colors, that play is, at least, uncomfortable.

What sound in the game? Not an irritant. He is, but like it or not. Tones vary, monsters screaming, explosions Babakhan. In short, it sounds all a solid four.
This acid is very much

Expanding on the shelves all the pros and cons of the game, you come to a conclusion - but why all this was started? Game if trying to sit on two chairs at once: on the one hand, to attract fans of Diablo, longing, pending the continuation, on the other - to dissolve the old fans in the coin, podsunuv advanced editor, but will they go beyond it - the issue tenth.

But if you ignore the comparisons with the classic hack-n-slash and forget about the slow and epic character development, look of the "casual gamer", who just wants to get a buzz from the new game ... For him, the game will be a genuine, comprehensive interest, because the hurricane Action \ RPG c complete customization of the character - a rare thing, but to addictiveness in Darkspore just rolls over. -
Same Universe, Different genre: A Review Of The Game "Darkspore"

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